International Membership Application Form

For information on membership benefits or to select the appropriate membership level, please refer to the Membership Overview page

The name the CEC uses for internal administrative purposes. If applicable, this needs to match your ABN.

To be displayed on your public member profile on the CEC website.

To be displayed on your public member profile on the CEC website (Associate members and up)

To be displayed on your public member profile on the CEC website (Associate members and up)

To be displayed on your public member profile on the CEC website (Associate members and up)

Company Public Information

To be displayed as your public member profile on the CEC website

To be displayed on your public member profile on the CEC website (Associate members and up)

Primary Contact Details

Your organisation's main contact for your CEC membership

Marketing Contact

Your organisation's contact in relation to marketing opportunities

Billing Contact Details

To receive CEC membership invoices

Billing Address

To be listed on CEC invoices

Postal Address

To receive CEC member communications

Street Address

The location of your head office

Services Provided

For the Membership Team to connect you with the right services and membership benefits